Tag Archives: Studio


If there is one thing I have always regret, it has been that I should have gotten into the world of radio broadcasting and production a long time ago. However, that was until this studio. Why? Because this class has been an intense crash-course in the world of radio and collaboration in the radio world.

The demo-recording process was an intense, quick and super beneficial learning experience. This was not only due to it being our first go at working collaboratively to produce a radio show, but also due to the fact that we encountered a few hiccups along the way. Scannell (2014) identifies, “there is a danger in everything we say and do: a possibility, every time, of performative failure and unanticipated and unwelcome consequences.”. I think that our demo exposed us to some performative failures that we could face and prepared us for the possibility of hiccups when live on air.

Ironically, the demo and our previous experience with technical difficulties came in handy during our first show due to issues with the sponsorship announcements. However, our knowledge and experience with reacting and covering such errors allowed the quality of our first live to air show to not be diminished as severely. It shows not only that practice and ‘drills’ come in handy, but that as you grow and produce more radio shows, you learn to deal with unexpected problems with faster reaction times and in increasingly professional ways, to the point where it is almost unnoticeable to the listening ear.

I had never really thought about the creative and technical processes that are involved in producing a radio feature. It wasn’t until our feature production began that I realised their prominence on radio. As a frequent Hack listener, it was brought to light how often they are used to discuss topics of debate or interest in a creative and engaging way. Through the delegation of tasks in the production of the feature, I was able to gain experience putting on my ‘producer’ hat, by reaching out to potential interviewees and communicating with representatives. I also got to gather found material that would later add texture to the feature, which was something I was really excited to do. The radio features that seem to grab my attention have layers and layers of pop culture extracts or ominous sounds that directly and indirectly relate back to the content of the piece. It was an exciting process to hear the feature come together through the fabulous contributions of each team member, putting their strengths and interest to use to produce a piece that discusses the world of second-hand clothing in a way that reflected us as a group, and reflected the issue in a way that looked at various perspectives.

The most beneficial aspect of this class for me was the interviews conducted in the first half of the semester. My interview with Donna from Melbourne Period Project was enjoyable not only from a production perspective but also due to the fact I was able to learn so much about an incredible organisation. Donna’s previous experience in radio interviews and her incredible presence in the room eased my nerves and allowed me to be in the moment, thinking about what questions I really wanted to ask, using information to delve deeper into the discussion and be eased into the overall interview process. I gained experience in the technical skills required to produce an interview, learning what works and what doesn’t in terms of microphone positioning, maintaining good levels and editing to create a smoother result.

By having such an immediate connection to a professional radio station made the learning experiences much more beneficial. Rather than just rehearsing in a mock studio, we were putting our work, voices and collaborations out into the real world, on a renowned radio station. This professional aspect of it motivated me to produce the best work possible, and as a result, I have now added audio pieces to my folio that I am proud of.

This studio reminded me of the benefits of the collaborative process- its ability to allow mutual education by sharing knowledge and talents to not only improve the overall collaborative outcome but encourage each other to improve and grow along the way. I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful and supportive group who made the process of putting a show live to air, conducting an interview and creating a feature a smooth and enjoyable one. Through this studio, it was made evident how important and valuable collaboration is in the radio industry, not only to learn new skills and ensure a smooth production process but as a mechanism of support through a new and sometimes challenging journey. Good communication within my collaborative group was crucial in producing the quality of work we did, and came in handy when technical difficulties arose during air time.

Radio has been something I have been dying to get into for way too long, almost too long. But this experience in the Room With a View studio has been more than an incredible introduction to radio broadcasting, but a beneficial journey where I have been able to not only go live to air but learn how to conduct an interview for radio, put on a radio show, present a radio show and produce a feature, as well as learn from and assist my peers.

Being live to air today was the cherry on top of a really positive studio experience. I was able to fulfil a lifelong wish to host a radio show as well as doing it amongst some great people who I have been lucky enough to collaborate and grow with throughout the semester. This studio has sparked serious interest in the broadcast and music industries and has created a passion for presenting and being involved with radio.  I have already signed myself up to be more involved in the radio sphere and I can’t wait to build on the skills and experiences I have had in this studio.

Soundcloud Links:

All relevant blogs that may or may not be hyperlinked in this blog are under the category RWAV 

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You’re listening to Room With a View on 3RRR

Today was the day where everything felt like it came together- the years of longing to be on radio, building up the courage to delve into radio and my inner hope that one day I will transform into Zan Rowe and live happily ever after as a Radio Queen. Today, Rosie and I hosted the show and it was possibly one of the most enjoyable hours ever.

Despite probably sounding like a nervous wreck and a deliciously horrible technical difficulty, the show went really well. Once we finally got it to play, Corey’s interview with Roj Amendi was really insightful and really well executed. Our live interview with Russell and Michael from ASRC Food Justice Truck was a really great way to approach the discourse of Asylum Seekers/Refugees by providing a way in which people can get involved by changing the way they shop. We also debuted our feature, which was received really well and even resulted in a radio caller- 2 shows in a row!

I am definitely hooked and just want to immerse myself in all things radio. Hopefully the next time I go to air, I won’t replace the word track with treat and then get all dad-jokey on the audience.


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Featuring the Feature

Audio and soundscape based studio classes were always the ones I avoided, but I am starting to question why I didn’t give them more attention.

Whilst the concept of the feature has seemed quite foreign to me throughout the process, I have realised along the way that the elements and production of the feature are not dissimilar to filmmaking. You have to go out and source interviews (like actors in a film), you need to record narration or dialogue, you should include music and found material to break up the dialogue (like cutaways in a film) and the editing process is equally as tedious!

After a few short weeks of sourcing, recording, editing and refining material, our feature is not only complete, but it aired today and had a great reception. We were even contacted by an RMIT group who were organising an exhibition related to our feature asking if they could use it as part of the display. Pretty cool hey?

The creation of this feature has not only taught me the technical components of features and their creation, such as ensuring that interviews are relevant, materials create an atmosphere, there is exploration of both sides of the story and that there is some sort of texture or multi-layered aspects to the feature, this experience has been positive in all respects, including the collaborative process. By delegating tasks and responsibilities, and by giving feedback on each other’s contributions, we were able to produce a coherent feature that we are all proud of.

Well here it is… Fashion Faux Pas….


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Demo-lition derby

This week, my wonderful group and I recorded our first ever radio demo. Whilst it seemed daunting at first, we soon got into the groove of it all and I think we produced a really great result.

There were a few hiccups along the way that were by no means desirable. Although, we had to remember that at the end of the day, we are still learning the ropes and getting used to the routine of putting a show on-air.

Scannell (2014) identifies, “there is a danger in everything we say and do: a possibility, every time, of performative failure and unanticipated and unwelcome consequences.”. I think that our demo exposed us to some performative failures that we could face. This can be exemplified at approx 46 minutes into our demo, where the pre-recorded interview refused to play through the computer. Even though there was the option to freeze and panic, Corey and Jess were quick thinking- resorting to back talk to ‘hype’ the Cirque de Soleil concept and interview whilst Sally and Nat sorted out the technical side of things. Although this could be considered a flaw in our recording, I believe it acted as a valuable learning experience for our group. We learnt to welcome technical difficulties and take them in our stride; make the best of a bad situation. The exposure to such difficulties so early on allows us to learn from the mistakes, practice more difficult panel transitions from live to pre-recorded sound and most importantly, how to react when such things occur.

Despite our minor technical difficulties, I believe that the conversations and ‘talk’ components of our show were really great. Corey and Jess had great ‘on-air chemistry’ and the conversations seemed to flow really well. The interview with Nat also seemed very smooth. This component highlighted to me what sort of answers I seek to receive in my individual interview task- answers that are relevant, interesting and spark a natural conversation with the interviewer.

In summary, even though this demo was an assessment and compulsory to complete, I am glad we completed it as we were able to experience what it was like to complete the full 1-hour show, but also how to deal with technical difficulties smoothly and hold natural conversations on-air. I am really looking forward to going live in a few weeks time with new content and our newfound confidence in our capabilities.

Please see my personal SoundCloud for more annotations on our demo.



I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration


REFERENCE- Scannell, P., 2014. Television and the Meaning of’Live’: An Enquiry into the Human Situation. John Wiley & Sons.

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